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Sunday, March 11, 2012

3-11 Fairy Dust

My scalp is itching and flaking like crazy. (I could easily recreate Ally Sheedy's Breakfast Club scene)  At first I though it was from using my year old shampoo so I went out and bought baby shampoo and have been using that for over a week now but it's still.  I finally  looked it up and sure enough it is a common side effect of the new hair growth and old skin being pushed aside. 
One of the cancer forums calls it Fairy Dust.  I'm trying to decide how much it bothers me and what I might be able to treat it with. 
Spoke with Dr Patt's nurse on Friday. Apparently my e-mail had overwhelmed them and they thought maybe I should have another appointment with  her to discuss all my questions. She's out for Spring Break and I didn't think I was asking anything extraordinary that required a $300.00/15 minute  appointment  so I cleared most of it with nurse Candy. 
The biggest news for me was that based on my blood test hormone levels I am now post menopausal so instead of Tamoxifen I'll be starting on the drug Femara. I read all about it yesterday and will start on it this week. The biggest SE most people report is joint pain. Fingers crossed hoping I don't experience that. 
Blood results for the thyroid Dr. came in and I am reducing my dosage of synthroid. In 3 months I've gone from 100mcg to 75 then to 50 and now to 35. The body chemistry continues to fascinate me. 

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