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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

End of the month silliness

here's what I have to play with, this is freshly washed with no product.


that's a ruler in my hand


Its Been A While

At this point in the grow-out I had thought I would wear more clips and pins and headbands to have some daily variety but when I put them on I (think I)  look silly. 
It's been a year since the shave. I keep a folder on the desktop labeled "short hair styles". Most of them require about 6 inches more hair than I have. Maybe I should start a folder called "Men's long hair styles". 
Last week I had one of those moments. Have you ever cut your own hair? Armed with some electric clippers and a mirror I had a go at the curly stuff at the back of my neck where it was getting straggly. Thank goodness for wavy hair, it hides all of my faulty cuts. 
I read a hair magazine that says one trick of growing out out your short style is to keep the back trimmed and let the top grow longer until it all meets somewhere in the vicinity of a short Bob. Since my June trim I'm just now at the stage where a bit is curling over the ears. To cut or not to cut?????
Here are a few August photos

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tufts and spikes

Feeling very Julie Andrews a la Victor Victoria these days.
Little tufts of hair sprouting from the sides once again but manageable with the sticky stuff. I believe the top is about 3 inches now. No plans for a trim for another month or so. 
I have quietly and unremarkable passed the one year mark of the diagnosis, the surgery and the first round of chemo. 

this is what 5 full months of growth looks like... From February till now.

Showing off my ear tufts
No Gel 
A little spike

This was my Sunday afternoon project. Paint color is Valspar 5008-10B Tantalizing Teal. Lowes will custom mix any color in a small 7.2 oz sample for only $3.00. The sample size  was plenty for two coats on this table. 

Details count

 It's been too hot to work on any recipes lately. I'm still on a kale kick eating it almost every day in  green smoothies, lightly sauteed and added to pastas, veggie mixes and pizzas or smooshed with avacado in a salad.