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Monday, February 10, 2014

2 years out Update.

I felt the desire to post an update. I used to read  these cancer/stories/blogs and then wonder what happened to those persons. So here I am reporting in. 
It's been 2 years since my last Radiation treatment. Like, exactly 2 years ago today!!! 
Here's me right this very minute sitting at my desk and typing.  

The hair, yes it is still short. 2013 saw so very little growth so instead of working towards  length I kept it short and styled. This is my natural color. There is gray mixed in with the black but I have no plans to change that. My eyebrows are thinner that before. I do sometimes pencil them in a bit. My lashes are a bit thinner as well. I'm not wearing any makeup here (and rarely do wear much if you knew me before then I'd say it's about the same.)

My Oncologist visits have recently tapered to 6 month intervals. September last year I had an MRI showing no severe damage to the skin in the area. A few weeks ago I had an ultrasound to check up on a pesky  lymph node that appeared inflamed at my last Dr. visit. In the 2 weeks after Dr Patt noticed the node and before  the test was scheduled I have to admit I had mixed feelings about the test. I did a few extra sessions of acupuncture, added cupping to the mix and a two rounds with the massage therapist to stretch the never ending tightness in my right arm. I figured I would go into that ultrasound cured of whatever Dr Patt had seen or I would light it up so there was no mistaking it's agitation. Test results showed no abnormalities. Actually it read: we are pleased to inform you...yada yada...shows no signs of cancer. Ummm,Thanks?! 
I didn't know Dr Patt had suggested signs of cancer. 

2013 flew right on by with a few changes  to my fitness routine. I no longer run after various strains, sprains, pinched nerves and  a meniscus tear. I do walk and hike. Yoga remains  a consistent 5-7 days a week. As mentioned above I go to the acupuncturist. Same one as before (I highly recommend them)
It helps (me) with allergies, headaches, tight muscles and just about anything else I can think of. I've heard more people seek acupuncture for stress than for pains. 
I also go regularly to a chiropractor's office for "medical" massage. An absolutely awesome therapeutic massage that gets charged to my insurance. I had no idea this benefit existed till early 2013 and I've been going ever since. Check into your benefits and see if you are covered! 

I still eat 95% vegetarian, never going out of my way to cook or purchase meat but occasionally fish. I've been playing with raw food recipes. My latest appliance purchase was a dehydrator. I've been brewing my own kombucha for over a year and drink it every day. 
I'm not taking any maintenance prescription drugs. I continue to take high doses of calcium and vitamin D per Dr. P. On my own I have added curcumin and glucosamine to the daily regime.

And here I'd like to find some profound words to leave you but I'm not very witty at the moment. I'll blame that on the current state of Mercury in Retrograde (communications break-down) for the next 3 weeks! 

so a borrowed quote 

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” ~ Henry Ford, American Industrialist

And a link to some music I love, Bach's  Cello suite No1. prelude


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