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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday mad-dash

Go go go...non-stop go lately. Recipe on the way.  I'm trying to cut and paste from a PDF but not able so I may have to take the time to type it out for you.
I did manage to make the recipe and took some to work so my colleagues could try it. 
No matter how busy I get I always find time to cook (good) food from scratch. 

Today I participated in the subdivision annual garage sale. Three words of advice: Don't do it! 
Hardly worth the time and effort it took to clean out the closets, move the stuff outside, get it organized and think about pricing. On a good note, I did clean out the closets and move stuff outside and it is NOT coming back in. I'm hauling the remains of my morning activities to Goodwill. This was one of the baby steps towards moving in the next few weeks. 
Have you peaked in your closets lately? This will be my 4th move in 7 years. In my early 20's I think my parents counted 8 different addresses for me in a period of 3 years. I did not own furniture so it was a few boxes of clothes in the trunk of the car and I was off and running. Then I settled into a house for over a decade. Now I'm back on the move. I don't know where I am going yet but it's sure to be new and exciting. 

 why yes, that is a flower in my hair!

 Co-worker's birthday. Made some cupcakes. Spinach Empanadas too...just because. 

 This is the Black Bean and Quinoa salad in process (recipe coming)
And here to your right......the leftovers of the morning endeavors. 
And now I'm headed for some people watching and a hot cup of tea up at The Domain. (I can't afford to shop there but it's great to linger and watch) 

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