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Monday, November 14, 2011

11-14 What were they thinking?

Good intentions but slightly misguided...?

As a "survivor" I got another cancer goodie bag for the 5k. 
*pink shopping bag
*drawstring sports bag
*pink T (other race participants got white)
*pink Hat
*a packet of coffee
*a packet of tea bags
*a ceramic "muffin" thing-a-ma-bob 
*a mauve-ish colored apron 

umm, yep, that's right.  ceramic muffin thingie. 
 Pandora is a jewelry company. So why the dorky references to baking and cooking. 

here are a few  things I would have rather had:
*a trashy/fluff magazine for all those hours spent in Dr. offices
*a 15 minute neck rub or foot massage
*$5.00 coupon for Whole Foods or to Amy's or to Thundercloud get my drift

This other stuff is up for grabs so if you see something you like you know where to find it. And no worries, I have no plans to re-gift these over the holidays. 

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