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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11-8 Boobs for buns?

 buns from Danish baker Kohbergare doing their part in fighting breast cancer. Part of the profit from the sale of bread with this clever package design by Envision go to benefit The Danish Cancer Society
Everybody gets in on it. 

If I actually had a long term condition of not being able to taste what I eat I think I really would go insane. This is one of my most challenging side effects. I feel hungry, everything tastes like paste so I get no brain to mouth satisfaction and then the chemo in my gut is churning and flip flopping but the anti nausea meds keep it all down. Ever have one of those days when you want to get sick because you know how much better you will feel as soon as you do? That's how I feel for about 5 days out from the session. 

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