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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2-28 Dressing up for the Dr.

Years ago in my college days I  used to dress up when  I had a big exam. Now I find myself thinking about what to wear to the Dr.'s office. 
I had two lovely weeks of no appointments. This week I go back to physical therapy, meet with the Oncologist for a three month check-up and go to the dentist to be  fitted for a crown. You might guess the Dentist is the appointment I most dread. 
This is my Oncologist, Debra Patt. Yep, she's young and pretty and at 5'10" could pass for a model. She's barely 40, married to Pediatric Cardiologist and they have 3 young children (photos posted on the walls in her office) She is a bit  intimidating! 

I know, I've been wearing jeans a lot. Our office is casual, Austin is casual. I'm grasping here for a reason to go shopping.

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