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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

4-24 Catching up

I haven't been too jazzed about anything lately to blog about. Life is plodding along at normal pace and that's all ok with me. 
My running group cancelled after two weeks for not having enough people  sign up for the location. I'm back to a few long walks and a weekend run for a few miles on my own. 
I'm reading the Andre Agassi autobiography and really enjoying it. Even though I don't know a lot about tennis I like the story. My neighbor loaned me a copy of the Steve Jobs autobiography so that's next on deck. 
I'm loving the short nutritional podcasts found at this link . I load up a dozen at a time and listen while doing data entry at work. 
I'd like to declare one month a Dr. free zone. May won't work as I am already loaded up. Maybe June?The PT is the only one I would really miss not going to. An hour with her is like hanging out with a girlfriend. We talk non stop about everything. It keeps me distracted while she squeezes the heck out of my scars and pokes pins in them (she is doing some acupuncture on me and let me tell you, scar tissue is some of the most sensitive skin you have.)

Speaking of Dr's I may be becoming a bit of a Dr. snob. After a recent visit to an extremely busy OB/Gyn office I think  I will be be looking for offices in the better parts of town. A friend mentioned this idea to me a few months ago and I kind of discounted it but I'm all for it now. If you have to spend time in the waiting room and the office and the price is the same then why not choose a really nice one that makes you feel comfortable? What didn't I like at the OB? Crowded small waiting room full of really young, very pregnant women and most of them had  a toddler or two in tow as well.It felt more like being at the pediatrician. When did women start taking the kids with them to the OB/Gyn apt? (My fiends that are young  Moms need to answer that for me!)

A few photos, still feeling very sqare headed. 

 You can see there is still not much there to work with. 
Spent a few hours this weekend making pillow covers. It had been a few years since I bought fabric and I almost  fainted at the $20.00 a yard price tag but in perspective  love how they change the whole look of the room for that  price. 

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