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Saturday, September 24, 2011

9-24 The Day After

So this is what I ended up wearing yesterday. And here is a photo of what I look like in the chemo room all hooked up. My meds come in a drip like the saline. I can unplug and walk  over  to the snack area or to go to the bathroom. They have TV and books and magazines and puzzles. Lots of people get benedryl as their first drip and they snooze. They were very efficient this time and maybe my drip was turned up faster because they had me unhooked around 1:30.
 Normally I don't feel anything during the drip or for that evening and since I was out early I was able to go up the street and join my co-workers at our yearly "out of office party"  at Dave and Busters. My office is extremely supportive of all my comings and goings these past few months and I really enjoy their company. 

Icing on the cake, my lovely neighbor D. always checks in with me on chemo night and brings gifts. This time dark chocolate raspberry truffles (even when I have the icky chemo taste I still love chocolate!) and a neat little placard titled "quiet courage" D.  is a Hallmark area mgr and always has the latest collectibles and cards. 
No migraine today and I am so happy! I woke up with the chills around 4:00am, took a bunch of Tylenol and went back to bed till 10:00am. I'm running a low grade fever and I ache head to toe  like if you've ever camped out on a hard rocky surface or maybe taken a wicked boot camp class.  Hoping that will pass later today. 
Our little Texas cool front is making the morning pleasant and I have lots of the new fall shows recorded on the DVR (I treated myself to that gadget a few months ago when I realized I would have a lot of down time at home)


  1. Glad you are hanging in there...thinking of you today.

  2. My Dearest Cassandra,
    Your courage inspires me. I can remember when we first met, I thought you were such a meanie..., and you hated me and thought I was the bigest B.....
    I am so glad that you and I took the time to look past our differences and get to know the real persons behind the wall. You and I have the capapcity to see beyond what "appears to be", and "what really is" Cassandra you are the picture of strength, courage and tanacity. You are and will always be the best friend I have. You never judge and you never criticize others. You have a heart of a Lamb and the courage of a Lion. You are the perfect picture of Beauty and Grace... I aspire to be like you. I have always and will Always Love you. Your Friend for Life... Connie...
