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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9-27 The Eyes Have It

I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist  this afternoon. I had some problems with my eyes tearing profusely the past few weeks and  thought it was allergies or the smoke in the air from the fires but all the allergy meds I tried didn't work and when I finally checked in with the Oncologist office they told me one of the chemo drugs I am on (Taxotere) often causes eye problems. 
I don't wear glasses and can't recall ever going to an eye Doctor. I'm interested in seeing the test results although they warned me that things may continue to change and I shouldn't invest in eye-wear until a few months post chemo and a follow up visit. 

This chick manages to look sexy and tough at the same time in her goggles 
although I am more likely to look like this:

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