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Monday, September 26, 2011

9-26 Chemo Tongue

Chemo Tongue. It's as icky as it sounds. It starts about two days post treatment (yesterday). My tongue get a whitish coating like thrush. The back of my mouth feels like peach fuzz.
Everything has a metallic taste.  Creamy smooth foods feel good. Cream of wheat and popsicles  and mac and cheese. Two flavors that break through are salt and lemon, apparently they hit a part of the tongue that is still active. I buy lemons in bulk and squeeze them into ice cube trays to freeze then put them in a baggie  in the freezer so I can add them to my water during the day. 
Some chemo patients take this time to eat something they want to remove from their ice cream or candy. They say after the treatments are over they associate that food with the chemo and never want it again! 

 Happy Fall everyone, it was 105 degrees in Austin yesterday!

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