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Friday, October 14, 2011

10-14 Two for One

I had so many nice things happen today and I won't post tomorrow so you get 2 for 1 today. 
The Chemo went quickly and I got a belated bday gift of some new earrings from my chemo buddy (thanks L, I love them) 
Checked the mail box on my way home and found a goodie bag from my Mom and sisters. I think they had a lot of fun wrapping so many little gifts. The note they sent along says I can unwrap it all now or save it up for the days I need it. I like that. Of course  I was as curious as Nala Kat and had to open 2 but  have lots more left. 
Also in the mail a Blue Cross  update and they approved payment for the $3500.00 genetic test I had in May. This was from the lab that wrote such a nice letter in my behalf petitioning BC to pay after it was originally declined. I am so happy about this! 

wishing you all a great weekend, see you in a few days. 

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