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Sunday, January 29, 2012

1-29 lashes and burns update

I did not get a long weekend break from radiation. Dr. Neusch says my skin did well with the soaks. The funniest part of the week was hanging out in the bathroom at work for ten minutes every morning with a wash cloth draped over me. The older (brown) burns are healing and peeling. The new round "boost burn" is red. The stickers with magic marker X are radiation tags they use to line up  the laser beam. I am not allowed to peel them.  The dent in my armpit and pulling together of skin from the stitches is some of what my physical therapist works on so I can have full range of motion with my arm. She also kneads the ball of scar tissue under the skin that you can't see. I still get little twinges when I reach to the back of the cupboard for something or occasionally when I vacuum.(that's my excuse for not doing it so often)  

almost time to buy some hair  gel and play. Or maybe those little flowers things people stick on baby's heads so you can tell it is a girl. 

My brows are filling in and I've had to tweeze. Look at all the little lashes. They appeared just this week. On my left eye below you can really see the difference between the 3 old ones that hung on to the top lid and the itsy new ones popping out. 

And here I am all put together. The 8lbs of chemo pudge that I had gained  are gone and my skinny jeans fit again. This morning I went with my neighbor to Town Lake for the 4mi loop walk/run.
Getting back to a new normal.

1-28 Yoga and Dragon dances

Started my weekend with a good strong vinyasa class. 
Then found some Dragon dances and bubble tea For Chinese New years.
Rounded out the day with some pot stickers (store bought) and  Tom Kha soup (finally tweaked a good recipe for that with help from a Thai girl at work) 

 The dragon—is typically made of silk, paper, and bamboo. Traditionally the dragon is held aloft by young men who dance as they guide the colorful beast through the streets. In the United States, where the New Year is celebrated with a shortened schedule, the dragon dance always takes place on a weekend.
If you are in Austin there is a festival Sunday at China Center (Braker/North Lamar by MT supermarket) Dragon dances all day noon-5:00pm. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

1-26 Laughter is a good thing

Bra-less again.  The spot under my arm where they are giving the boost feels like someone is drilling through the skin. Ouchy, prickly, get the idea. 

Look at all the hair! And the brows filling in. 
Went out last night to a Comedy open mic. Even if the jokes weren't all too funny, watching the guys on stage and seeing the audience react was. Laughter is infectious. There would be the most awkward moment and someone else would laugh and I would find myself laughing more at the person laughing than at the comic. My cheeks hurt when I got home. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1-25 Year of the Dragon

Found this online but I would love to have a calendar like this hanging on my wall! 
Chinese New year being celebrated all this week. Most of my customers in Asia have 9 day break. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1-24 Rambling

Not so many photos lately. I've been lazy with my head wear. 
The little bit of hair I have grown makes all the difference in my head not being so cold. I don't have to wear a cap to bed anymore and during the day at the office when I get warm I take off whatever head gear I am wearing and go natural. I keep a cap or scarf in the car and usually something in my purse but like I've mentioned before Austin is so hip that walking around bald is really no big deal.
I'm half way done with radiation boosts. I thought the larger  skin area getting a break would be nice but I've had more reactions. Lots of burning and prickly feelings and itching mostly along the collar bone and under the arm. At night when I am sleeping if my arm touches my side it's like getting a bee sting and I wake up. It reminds me a bit of how tender it was after surgery when I went around with the little pillow tucked under my arm to keep it from touching. 
Dr Neusch prescribed "soaks" 2-3 times a day I use this stuff called Domeboro  soaked in a washcloth and applied to the skin for 10minutes. Followed by an application of Silver Sulfadiazine Cream. He said he will probably give me a long weekend of no treatment Friday and Monday to give things a rest. 
So today was the first time I went bra-less to work. I camouflaged well with a short sweater that gathers near the chest with a big pin/flower thing. The girls at the office said they never would have known! Maybe tomorrow I will use a strategically placed scarf. 
I'm wondering how many shirts might  be ruined with all the creams and potions I am using. 
On the other side I kept feeling a poky thing where the port came out and had the Dr. take a look. A tiny stitch was sticking thru the skin. He yanked on that and clipped it short so it would retract under the skin. 
I'm reading The Hunger Games trilogy. Almost through the last one. I love a good Sci Fi.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1-19 What's it Cost $$

My average radiation visit in December was charged at $1139.00. The days when I have an extra x-ray they jump up another $300.00 to $400.00 more.
In January they increased to $1256.00/day. 
$379.00---$418.00 per minute, daily cost divided by 3 minutes of treatment. Ok, throw in a little extra for the hospital gown I have to wear and the magazines and the candy dish in the waiting area.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1-18 Boosts and steriods

Today is boost #2. Day one went well. They spent a few extra minutes lining me up and taking more x-rays. They really take the time to get the positioning exact. Oh, and I need to clarify they are Radiation Therapists (not nurses). Special training and classes. 
After a hideous weekend of cedar fever I went to the after hours clinic Monday  night and got a steroid shot and some prescription nasal spray. I only wish I had done it a week ago. I haven't had a steroid shot for allergies since the early 90's. Not many Doctors will give them so I must have looked pretty desperate. The two side effects I had forgotten are the caffeine-like high I still have 36 hours post shot and eating everything in sight. 

Hair filling in nicely, the front is finally coming in as well. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

1-14 Red spots and floating

collar bone and shoulder about the same

Here you can see the big red spot under my arm. 
Today's yoga class had a focus pose of handstand with a nice sequence of strength poses to prep and some fun working on pikes and trying to float from down dog to forward fold. (verses jumping your way up there and landing with a  big thunk)  It may take me a few more years to float but I did manage a handstand  at the wall. It felt great to be upside down. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

1-13 Lucky Thirteen

Sometimes its all about perception. Who says Friday the 13th has to be unlucky?
Dr Nuesch has reviewed my scans. I'm going to complete 20 days of the full treatment then do 8 days of the boost then back to the entire area for another 5 days. 
I tried to find a youtube video for you  that shows the boost, no luck. Maybe I will take a photo myself. They add another device to the part of the machine that delivers the beam. While setting up my simulation to get my coordinates they also moved the table around in different directions.  I asked one of the nurses if anyone had ever fallen off the table. (yesterday I was so zonked on allergy meds I think I fell asleep within 30 seconds of laying down and could just imagine myself rolling off) 
She said no, but she recalls once someone jumped off the table and ran out of the room and once the table jammed in place (computer malfunction?) and they had to use a chair to help the person on the table climb down. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1-11 Nails

My fingernails are telling a story. Lots of nice new healthy pink growth pushing away the ugly yellow red  and spotted section. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1-10 burns, freckles and boosts.

Day 16 of radiation. Over the weekend I noticed a small  burn on my collar bone. 

Lots of freckles coming out on my shoulder. Reddish sunburned looking  skin on my upper lat and trapezius 
Today they took extra x-rays and a scan of the tissue. The Dr.  will use the information to stage the rest of my radiation. They will probably go a few more days of the "total" area, then give my skin a break and do what they call a "boost". The boost is radiation aimed directly at the tumor bed. They typically do this for a few days then back to the entire treatment area until your 33 days are done. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

1-9 Whats on your list?

I've never made  New Years resolutions. However, being the little list maker that I am, I do like to make a list for the upcoming year. A list of things I hope to do. 
2011's list included running the half marathon, doing a handstand  and eating out at a slew of interesting Austin restaurants. My 2012 list includes; read  a dozen  good books, try every short hairstyle I ever thought I might want and get back doing a handstand. 
I've already ordered a few books that may make the cut. If you have a great hairstyle idea for me please send a link to my e-mail and if you know how to  spot a handstand give me a call. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

1-7 Rumi for your weekend

Yoga this morning with Angie at 9:00am, class started with a great quote:
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing 
there is a field. 
I'll meet you there" ---Rumi

 Noticed today in my down dog....a few random  baby-fine leg hairs.
It's noon and I'm still in yoga gear cleaning house. I'll post a photo later.

Friday, January 6, 2012

1-6 Every morning in Africa...

“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a lion or gazelle – when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” – Unknown

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1-4 late in the day

and to end the day with a good laugh we can rely on Etsy......
TNMT if you don't get the reference here I'll help you out, Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles. Though it is purple and green I guess you might wear it to Mardi Gras

Monday, January 2, 2012

1-2 Lashes and brows

More eyebrows and eyelashes have fallen out, or maybe the new ones are growing in and pushing out the old ones?? 

for a reference here is a photo from July 2011

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1-1Off on the right foot

Gorgeous sunshine, blue skies and a windy 50-some degrees this morning. I wanted to start the year with some endorphins so I headed out to Town Lake. 

Wishing you all some wicked good endorphins in 2012!

12-31 Back to Blue Genie

Thanks to those who know me and gifted me nice things from Blue Genie! 
Pure coincidence I got both a bracelet and a necklace that I love from the same vendor but from two different friends! More earrings including these cool vintage fabric ones and a super smelling bar of homemade soap that I've left in my car where it is acting as a great natural deodorizer. 
Cruising Burnet Road the other day and saw a new store; A Town. They are featuring some of the same artists that showcase at Blue Genie so think of A Town next time you have guests visiting or want a unique Austin made product for a gift. Here is a link

Not to leave anyone out, I truly loved every gift I received this year and I hope I thanked all of you properly.