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Friday, December 16, 2011

12-16 Crafting for the Holidays

I used to craft. At some point I learned that it was prudent to purchase the finished product vs. purchase all the parts and pieces and try to make it myself. Every now and again I'm inspired to give it another go.

My friend and I were at the Blue Genie Bazaar over the weekend. After flipping a few price tags we decided "we could do that".  Here is an e-mail I got from her a day later. (Notice the numbered list, she is a classic type A) (and hey, if you're reading know I love you and all your quirks!)

I figured out a few things last night:

1. I think I bought the wrong type of paint for the coasters and for the dino.  The dino is going to take a TON of coats with the paint I bought and it's water based so it's not really gripping to the rubber well.  It's also sliding off of the tile and I think that's b/c of the water base too.  

2. It might look good if we paint the coasters black.  I have a neutral background for the ones I have and the photos look really out of place b/c they don't match the tan background.

3.  Photos are really thick and it's hard to get them to lay flat on the tile.  The type of tile I got has a slightly raised center (the edge around the tile slopes lower than the rest) and the photo won't grip the edges.  The mod podge won't create a thick enough barrier to smooth the edges of the photo.  So I have two really sharp coasters. :(

Do you think spray paint will work for the dinos or do you think it'll eat the rubber?  Should I get ceramic paint for the tiles? 

The next day I got a bulletin update, she had used a different paint on the dino, sanded the backs of the photos to thin them then used binder clips to hold them down while the modge podge dried. Success. I'll give her another day to work out every last kink then we'll get together and I can reap the benefits of all her hard work.She did mention that "her house looks like a craft bomb exploded" but I'm sure it's all sparkly clean by now. 

1 comment:

  1. Your friend is a hoot! I do believe I met her when I came to visit you.

    From a former type Aer!
