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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12-21 Port Removal

This is what is looked like while in position
At the surgeons office we took some photos,I had a mini enterauge, the girls from my department at  work  came with me to watch.First he numbed the spot then cut along the same  line he used to insert it in June. The thing was actually held in place with a few stitches into my pec muscle so he clipped those and then it was 5 minutes or so of tugging and a few jokes about alien movies and voilĂ  

I didn't see much since it was just out of my line of vision and I had a surgical drape on me. He did offer me a mirror so I could watch but I passed on that. I asked if he would have to stitch the vein where the tube was inserted  and he explained why they don't have to but I don't remember exactly what he said...maybe it closes up on itself when it was pulled out??? 
Here's  my new stitch job, it will look better in a few days when the swelling goes down.He covered it up with surgical glue (love that stuff) so I can shower. 
Here's the good Doctor. He performed well under the pressure of an  audience. 
And here's the souvenir
While I had it here at home I took a good look at it. The black rubbery part in the middle is dense. That's where they would stick the needle in for the IV drip/chemo. I got out a pin and took a poke at it and it is HARD to push into. Those nurses who did it to me had to be fearless and the needle they used must have been wicked! 

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