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Monday, May 28, 2012

29 weeks

29 weeks out. 
I stopped taking the Femara on 5-17. The side effects were unbearable (to me). I was taking some ibuprofen daily and when I talked to one of the nurses about the SE she told me that I might  "get used to them". Who wants to get used to pain? So stupid. 
There will be a reckoning at the Dr. office this week at my 3 month check-up. (I haven't told them yet that I stopped)  I don't get Dr Pat this time, I get her PA Sarah. I am  scheduled with the PA at least half of my visits. Sarah is easy to talk to and I usually get more face time with her appointments than I do with Dr. Pat. 
Since I stopped taking it (Femara) the SE have been wearing off. My left knee still feels like it is broken and my wrists and ankles ache but the snap crackle and pop have lessened and getting up in the morning is not as challenging. 
I've taken a few more of the free classes at CG Arena. I like the Spinning and the TRX and last week went twice to Boxing. I have to admit it is really a lot of fun to punch that big black bag. 
Their free deal ends at the end of the month and I have to decide if I am signing a contract. I've looked at Pure Gym  and 24 Hour Fitness and want to stop by Gold's to compare all of them. I still have my Yoga contract through next spring so it adds up to a lot of $ but I would rather spend it on fitness than anything else. As long as I can avoid Lululemon (for the AWESOME) workout clothes!  
Photos, as you can see not much new to show with the hair. Itsy bitsy bangs are still the last part to fill in. The back is a touch longer and now curling. I'm used to looking at this version of me in a mirror but when I see a photo I still think "who is that girl" 

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