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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

D-Day Anniversary

Today is my one year anniversary of the diagnosis and 28 weeks post chemo. My thoughts?
In no particular order and kind of jumbled. 
In conversations when I am trying to explain a gap I sometimes hear myself saying "and then I got sick", or "I was sick for a while last year". In truth I don't think if it or remember it  as being sick. I equate more with an accident. More like saying "last year I broke my leg and I had surgery then rehab and now I'm getting back on track." It feels more like that. Like it was an accident and I dealt with it. 
The cancer never made me sick. I didn't even know I had it. The treatments made me sick. The pills I take now make me feel bad but I don't wake up and say "damn cancer". I just feel like its done, its over. (but it isn't. I'm dealing with the aftermath and the ongoing work/rehab) But then again that's just life. We are all dealing with something. 

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. John Maxwell 

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