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Monday, May 7, 2012

5 -7 Notice the Pause

Right now you're breathing. You didn't think about it until I said it. 
Doing breathing exercises or dare I say it ...meditation..for me is like adding thought to that which normally happens automatically without thought. 
MY favorite simple breathing pattern: 
Breathe in, pause. Breathe out, pause. Don't worry about the length or depth or equality of the in and out. Just a normal breathe in then pause, then out, then pause.  
The pause at the inhale becomes the tiny space of awareness to the moment. The tiny space that allows you to notice, to absorb. The pause at the exhale becomes the release, the letting go. 
Inhale, pause. A tiny moment appears when you can see,  hear what someone just said or did. When you can take in something that just occurred or happened.  Exhale, pause. Another tiny moment appears before you have to react to what was said or what occurred. 
Very simple, mindful conscious breathe reinstates the precious moment of here and now. 
Funnily enough if you do a quick Google for breathing exercises you will see one come up for "trigger control". Most people have a normal pause at the exhale. If you've got a gun in your hand this is the pause you extend an extra second or two  and then you shoot!

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